Preventive Care After Cancer

Survivors and caregivers can improve care after cancer with Zansors’ Cancer Survivor Symptom Tracker. The tracker, funded by the National Cancer Institute (NCI), was developed to prevent lymphedema. It tracks symptoms and shows dangerous health trends before lymphedema becomes an irreversible condition.

People who have undergone surgery or radiation for breast and other cancers are prone to lymphedema, swelling caused by fluid retention in the lymph system. But often patients don’t see their doctors until symptoms become debilitating. With the app, cancer survivors can-

  • Quickly and easily input data on symptoms and quality of life on their mobile device
  • Share data with caregivers using a HIPAA-compliant cloud-based system
  • Receive prompts to collect data or notifications to see their doctor before a crisis develops
  • Communicate their symptoms in recovery - as opposed to relying on memory during short, sporadic doctor visits

If you would like to learn more about Zansors' Cancer Survivor Symptom Tracker, contact us

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