• Accurate, Affordable and Accessible

    More than 18 million American adults have sleep apnea, according to the National Sleep Foundation. Yet 80% of these cases are undiagnosed. Zansors is developing a tiny, wireless sleep apnea detecting sensor plus app, that tracks sleep breathing and identifies problem breathing patterns – without spending the night in a sleep lab hooked up to clunky machines. Sleep apnea diagnosis will be more comfortable and affordable than ever with Zansors’ sleep wearable micro-sensor and app. NIH has funded Zansors' Phase II program for further development of the sensor, and we’re working toward FDA approval.

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  • Quantified Sleep Quality

    Breathing improperly while sleeping can have major implications for your overall health - and Zansors is making a sensor that allows anyone to determine their sleep quality affordably.

    With feedback from Zansors' sleep quality sensor, you have an evidence-based way to measure the quality of your sleep. The sensor rates your sleep with a red, yellow or green light to help you understand what to do next. A yellow light may mean it's time to change a few of your sleep habits, while a red light means you should consider seeing your doctor.

  • Detecting New Information Through Sweat

    Zansors was awarded Phase I grant by NIH's National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) to measure sweat and specific blood alcohol content.

    Zansors is taking steps to sense sweat, measuring the sweat vapors and converting the concentration into algorithms in a sensor prototype. The prototype will combine Zansors bioengineering and biochemistry for an innovative platform

    In the future, sweat sensing can be used for firefighters or military, as well as athletes. Sweat has different analytes, meaning targets, like alcohol, electrolytes, ions (e.g. sodium, chloride) and glucose, that can be monitored. Stay tuned for news on our sweat sensor endeavors.

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